Friday, January 18, 2013


Not directed at any one person, just liars in general!

Liar liar pants on fire......

Liars....are the devil in disguise.  They think they are so smart and that no one they lie to is aware.  They are so wrong in so many ways.  Why?  Because I'm aware.  I know.  I just decide when and where I reveal that I know.  I let them lie.  I allow the lies to keep coming until one day I don't.  One day I stop the lies.  One day I choose the let them in on my secret of knowing all along.

Covering up the truth to protect yourself is a very selfish and inconsiderate way of life.  You have chosen your path in life and when that path is inconvenient or becomes insignificant to you, you decide to take a detour from the truth.  

The fact that they are not very good liars is proven over and over again, but they still continue.  They continue because of people like me who allow them to keep up the charade. 

Liars have it so much harder than us who don't lie.  Not only do they lie but they have to remember what lies they've told and try not to get them mixed up.  One little slip of the tongue and it could all be over for them.  The gig would be up.  Their cover blown.  Oh, but they do slip up on several occasions. They are just unaware because it's not time.  It's not time to reveal my secret of knowing just yet.  It's coming......and it's coming fast!

Hopefully you keep enjoying, reading and sharing my blogs.  I have so much inside my head that I want to share.  So many topics that I want to touch on and plenty of writing space to do it!

Until next time......

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