Friday, August 11, 2017

Self Worth

Self worth is an emotional value that you set for yourself.  What you feel that as a person you are worth to yourself and to those around you.  Self worth and self esteem go hand in hand and are exactly the same thing.

What you think of yourself is extremely important.  It factors in on many aspects of your life and how you deal with life and others.

You can go around harboring resentment about your past and it will be like wearing cement on your feet for your future.  It will bring you down and make you feel less than what others truly see you as.  Holding onto issues will only end up hurting you and the ones you love in the long run.  It will affect your self worth and the way you view others as well.

Set yourself free of the past and move forward with your future.  It's the only way to truly feel free.  Look at yourself as someone that someone loves and cares for.