Friday, January 18, 2013


Not directed at any one person, just liars in general!

Liar liar pants on fire......

Liars....are the devil in disguise.  They think they are so smart and that no one they lie to is aware.  They are so wrong in so many ways.  Why?  Because I'm aware.  I know.  I just decide when and where I reveal that I know.  I let them lie.  I allow the lies to keep coming until one day I don't.  One day I stop the lies.  One day I choose the let them in on my secret of knowing all along.

Covering up the truth to protect yourself is a very selfish and inconsiderate way of life.  You have chosen your path in life and when that path is inconvenient or becomes insignificant to you, you decide to take a detour from the truth.  

The fact that they are not very good liars is proven over and over again, but they still continue.  They continue because of people like me who allow them to keep up the charade. 

Liars have it so much harder than us who don't lie.  Not only do they lie but they have to remember what lies they've told and try not to get them mixed up.  One little slip of the tongue and it could all be over for them.  The gig would be up.  Their cover blown.  Oh, but they do slip up on several occasions. They are just unaware because it's not time.  It's not time to reveal my secret of knowing just yet.  It's coming......and it's coming fast!

Hopefully you keep enjoying, reading and sharing my blogs.  I have so much inside my head that I want to share.  So many topics that I want to touch on and plenty of writing space to do it!

Until next time......

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Today I'm going to touch on a subject called two-faced people or two-facers as I call them.  These people can be so sweet and caring to your face but the second you turn around and they get the chance....they attack you to anyone who will listen!  They turn on you as if you are their worst enemy but to your face they are your best friends.  These type of people are what I call, wolves in sheep's clothing.  They can be found in all shapes and sizes, vary in color with all different religious back grounds.  They can be anyone from best friends, friends, co-workers, family, your children to yes, even your spouses.  Who knew right!  

Unfortunately two-faced people are more common than not. They seem to creep around every corner just to hear something they can spread or stir.  They troll your social networking sites just to see what new gossip they can learn.  The worse ones are the ones that you actually trust with something special or a certain secret.  Think about this for a second before moving on...someone you trust!  They talk to you as if you are their best friend and make you feel comfortable enough to spill your guts...then out of nowhere, you've screwed up!  

The people in this "life ruining club" as I call it, seem to get their rocks off hurting others. But why?  Well, after lots and lots of thought about the two-facers that are in my personal life, I've come to a few conclusions about why.  Here are actually several reason and not all of them are the same for each two-facer.  They vary in degree with each one as well.  To name a few...status, jealous, bored, unhappy or just plain ole mean heartedness!  There are probably many more reason but these are the ones I feel fit the folks I'm talking about. 

Status is all about what other people think of them. They don't care what people think of you they only care about being better than you.  Jealous is them liking you and wanting to be like you.  Maybe you have more friends or maybe when you walk in the room everyone is happy to see you.  Maybe you are prettier, smarter, more caring, do a better job than they do or have a better life than they do. There are many reason for jealously but none of them are a good enough reason to hurt someone.  Bored with their own life.  Their life is boring and dull and they are probably a little lonely.  Unhappy with their status or their situation.  Feeling stuck and unnoticed. Mean heartedness comes from within.  It goes hand and hand with being a bully.

Two-facers judge you as parents. It's their goal to make sure that everyone in their circle knows exactly what mistakes your children have made, what kind of grades they get, and lord forbid they find out your child has had sex before marriage.  Then they have to work a little harder to find out just how many partners your little slutty ho has been with!  So sick and very sad! Two-facers judge you at work.  They need to know exactly what you are doing at all times.  They ask for your opinion about something and then turn around and try to take credit for it as if they are the ones who come up with it.  They make snide remarks about you to others all while enjoying a cup of coffee that you just made. They ask your advise about someone then turn around and go tell that certain person what you've said with their own little twists added to it again making you look bad.  They try to turn your co-workers against you so that they come out on top.  Two-facers judge your marriage.  They take your spouse off in another room or wait until you leave the room and then ask questions...pretty much dig and dig until they get something tangible that satisfies they curiosity. They are only looking for something negative and don't care about the positive things in your life.  This is where the two-faced spouse comes into play.  If they cared enough about you they would never tell anything negative about you to anyone!  Care enough about you is the key in that relationship! I could go on and on here but lets try and wrap this up.

Once a two-facer finds any little bit of information they pass it along to their family, friends and co-workers.  This is their way of "making themselves look better than you"!  In turn they also pass on this same information listed above to you about their friends, family and co-workers.  It's a vicious cycle that never ends.

There is only one way to avoid being tormented by a two-facer.  Figure out who they are by using your common sense that God gave you!  If you have someone in your life that tends to tell you every tiny detail that's going on in someone else's life...they are probably two-faced.  If they are being two-faced to someone else....(now listen carefully)...THEY ARE BEING TWO-FACED TO YOU BEHIND YOUR BACK TOO!!!  It's a proven point over and over again.  Remember they are WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING.

Unfortunately we can't always avoid these types of people.  We can't quit our jobs and disown our family members but what we can do is be aware of who they are and keep our mouths shut as much as possible around them.  It will not stop them but it will slow them down and make them work harder for their juicy information! 

Until next time.....

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

As my writing journey begins...

I decided at the beginning of the year that I wanted to start a journal of sorts.  A place where I could go when I felt the need to lift my spirits or just to get things off my chest.  

So many people hold things inside and never let them out.  I feel doing that can cause unwanted stresses and is not healthy.  There are days that I feel I just need to release my every thought but have no where to turn.  Yes, I could talk to someone but do they really listen?  I think not!  Most people are so wrapped up in what's going on in their own lives that they barely hear anything you say at all unless it directly affects them in some way.  So why bother them at all.  Even if they do listen they really deep down don't care or want to hear about it anyway.

So with all that said, here I am!  This is going to be my "new special place" to go and write.  I'm hoping one day I write something so interesting that others will want to read it and even further down the line...want to buy it for themselves!  So many goals....a lifetime to complete them!

So for now I will sign off....till next time!